Terra incognitaTerra incognitaTerra incognitaTerra incognitaTerra incognita

Terra incognita Terra incognita Terra incognita Terra incognita

24 februari 2013

Hands down, i'm too proud for love.

Hands down, i'm too proud for love, but with eyes shut, it's you i'm thinking of, but how we move from A to B it can't be up to me, cause I don't know, eye to eye, thigh to thigh, I let go.

I think I'm a little bit, little bit, a little bit in love with you. But only if you're a little bit, little bit, little bit in lalalala love with me.

And for you I keep my legs apart, and forget about my tainted heart, and i will never ever be the first to say it, but still.

I would do it.
Push the button.
Pull the trigger.
Climb a mountain.
Jump off a cliff.

Cause you know baby I love you, love you, a little bit.

I would do it
Iwould say it

I think I'm a little bit, little bit, a little bit in love with you.. But only if you're a little bit, little bit, little bit... In lalalala love with me.

Come here, stay with me, stroke me by the hair, cause I would give anything... anything to have you as my man.

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej haallååå Z... Livet leker? Kom att tänka på dig häromdagen och googlade zinza..jaduvet... och hamna här.

    Lev och må! / d_m_c
